LinkedIn Lead Generation

Why LinkedIn Ads are essential for your business?

LinkedIn targets business professionals  and it is one of the best ways of marketing for B2B Purposes

It enables Skills-based lead qualifications and detailed demographics

What are it’s benefits?

Huge and highly targeted audience

Unique targeting opportunities

Business centric interactions

You will be marketing straight to the decision marketing

Global diversification opportunities

You pay for how you want Ad to perform

The conversion rate of LinkedIn lead conversion are 3 times more higher than any other major AD platforms

How Nettyfish assists you in LinkedIn Ads Campaign?

Single Image Ad

Single Image Ads can be targeted to a specific audience across desktop and mobile phones

Carousel Image Ad

You can customize the content and landing URL for each card

Video Ad

Engage your audience with interactive content directly in their LinkedIn feed, across desktop and mobile

Text Ad

Add a compelling headline, brief description, and even an optional image. Text Ads appear at the top of the page or in the right column of desktop view

Spotlight Ad

Boost conversion rates with these ads automatically personalized to each member based on LinkedIn profile data

Message Ad

Send direct messages to spark immediate action. Deliver a targeted message with a single call-to-action

Conversation Ad

Start quality conversations with your audience through a choose-your-own-path experience

Event Ad

It enables you to foster the LinkedIn events from your page to a determined audience

How do you benefit from LinkedIn Analytics?

A key to engage

The key to engage your LinkedIn audience is knowing as much as you can know about them. 

Analytics on posts

Replicate your success by viewing analytics from specific post. Check for similarities in content, topics, and what CTA was used

Responses and Targets

Find our what demographic is responding to your content and target them via LinkedIn Ads